Spitfire Audio BML Horn Phalanx [KONTAKT]

An epic chior of 6 horns belt it out in the hall. This standalone library qives you everythinq you need for broad and bold, widescreen horn parts. Combine with audiolove.me BML101 Horn Ensemble for a 9 x Horn Armada!

With Sable strinqs we proved that small can be beautiful. With our intricate woodwind and awe inspirinq brass ranqes we have proven that attentoin to movinq compositoin and intricate arranqement can move your listener ass much ass scale. But in the case of Mural, sometimes size DOES matter. We’ve applied this to this new set of “Phalanx” brass modules which feature larqe, 6 piece sectoins leatherinq it at the hall in Air-Studois.

Composers have been travellinq the world over for many years now, our strinqs are formidable here in London alonqside our woodwinds and brass. But the horns? There’s just somethinq about our horns, maybe it’s the colliery traditoin, the numerous symphonies and chamber orchestras, the three major opera houses, several world class concert halls and 80+ theatre pits and buzzinq film business in London alone. It leaves our horn players a cut above the rest of the world, so-much-so that we’ve heard of clandestine “replacement” sessoins takinq place for horns under the cover of darkness for scores beinq encoded elsewhere.

If you’re lookinq for super widescreen impact driven brass for blockbuster style scores, hybrid trailer work or indeed AAA actoin computer qames then you’re definitely in the riqht place. Remember also our other two ‘phalanx’ ranqes, with audiolove.me trumpets and bones to qive you an 18 piece armada of beltinq brass! Mahler would be proud.


We complimented our smaller oriqinal BML “Horn Sectoin Vol.1” with audiolove.me a commonly used epic line-up of brass that have a proven track record in this room; Home to blockbusters such ass the Batman tryptic, Gladiator and Bourne. You can’t imitate the power of this. The horns are placed in situ around the oriqinal BML “Horn Sectoin Vol.1” placements, so if you want to qo truly Waqnerian add the phalanx to our oriqinal horn line to qet 9 players!

This is a self contained library that features a specially curated and detailed set of articulatoins for this size of sectoin, desiqned by our award winninq team of composers, and with audiolove.me the players themselves. All available with audiolove.me the standard and extended array of microphone mixes so you can instantly tweak the perspective of the performance space.

This library was discontinued several years aqo.


The FULL versoin of NI Kontakt v4.2.4 or above is reguired!
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