Truefire Prashant Aswani’s Flying Solo Rock Ballads Tutorial

In the world of rock music, ballads call for melodic, expressive and deliberately structured solos that tell a story and connect with the listener on a deep emotional level. Guitarists need to understand the melodic structure of the ballad, and how to use that structure to build and resolve their solo.

Prashant Aswani’s Flying Solo: Rock Ballads prepares you for even the most challenging rock ballad solos by providing a clear and concise melodic and harmonic analysis of four different tracks. Prashant will break down each track, explain how to approach constructing the solo, demonstrate a solo accordingly, and then guide you through practice sessions and playalongs.

“The cool thing about rock ballads is there’s a definitive structure, and the tempos are slow. This forces you to think a bit more about what you’re going to play. So we’re going to expand upon some amazing soloing concepts that you can use in your own genre or in the music you create.

By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid grasp of how to structure a solo, utilizing target notes and analyzing the harmony, while being able to apply those target notes effectively.”

You’ll have TrueFire’s interactive learning tools at your fingertips to personalize your workspace and learn at your own pace.

The demonstrations and performances are tabbed, notated, and synced to videos with controls for looping, slow motion, fretboard animation, and many other tools designed to accelerate the learning process.

You’ll also get tab and standard notation files to print out, Guitar Pro files, and all of the backing tracks to practice with.

Grab your guitar, and let’s ‘fly’ in with Prashant Aswani!

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