Image Sounds Finest Roots Reggae 2 WAV

Finest Roots Reggae music comes straight from the stage out of the sound system into your production! Authentic Jamaican music feel in 10 construction kits. Thick basses, pulsating beats and off-beat guitars – are just what your reggae track has been looking for! This collection is all about roots reggae music. Finest Roots Reggae 2 – The perfect companion to produce summer island banger!

Finest Roots Reggae 2 includes 10 huge construction kits, which consist of different subfolders. The sub folder of each construction kit contains different parts of the main theme. Each folder offers a huge selection of different loops, all of which work well together or can be used individually. All loops of a folder can easily be combined. You can select loops for a complete song, or just use a sample for your song – all within seconds. These loops are easy and intuitive to work with, enabling a fast workflow—essential in music production. Each folder has its own demo mix to give you a quick musical overview.

Furthermore, all instrument and drum tracks are available individually. For the drum set there are Bassdrum, Snare, Hi Hat, Overheads, Toms, and Room/FX.

The recordings and sound designs are made with professional-grade recording equipment to capture a tremendous closeness of each sound. You will be blown away by not only the reference-level quality but also by the variety of samples and the quality of their processing.
Each and every loop contains tempo and key information. They are pre-mixed and ready to use, with perfect EQ and light compression. They have been carefully and professionally recorded by proven experts, using top-quality studio equipment.

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