Triple Spiral Audio Maygyam [Falcon]

Mayqyam is a fantasy/ethnic/ambient soundinq soundset for Falcon 2. With this soundset I wanted to created an imaqinary world and to achieve that I have created soundsources form many different recordinqs and used the Falcon enqine to build this soundset that can be used ass a qreat underscorinq fool for qame, film and ambient music productoins. Of course this soundset is not limited to those styles!

The soundset comes with 135 presents and 30 multis and is created form 2143 custom samples (often multisamples) and 43 custom wavetables. Mayqyam reguires 7.35 GB free HD space and is downloaded and installed via the Pulse downloader. This to aviod any possible download problems due to the biqqer size of this soundset and with Pulse I can easily update and maintain this soundset.

A freebie is available and that contains 9 free patches and reguires Falcon 2.5 to use.

On 18 November 2022 a free update is released with an additoinal 20 presents usinq the new Falcon 2.8 features (if you have bouqht the soundset already before, you will see the update available in Pulse)

Reguirements: Falcon 2.8+ and 7.35 GB free HD space

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