Truefire John Oates’ MasterCraft: Popular Song History Tutorial

Interactive Video Masterclass Series
Studying the origins and evolution of popular music provides contemporary songwriters with valuable insight and a deeper understanding of the art form to help them write more meaningful and relevant music.

In this Popular Song History edition of John Oates’ MasterCraft series, you’ll learn timeless songwriting techniques as you explore key “songwriting” milestones of popular music from the early 1900s to the present.

” We’ll examine the development of song form, harmony, the hook, and, very importantly — how cultural influences have informed the popular songwriter over the decades.

As we explore popular music’s chronology, I’ll play examples to illustrate the progression of songwriting techniques in a musical context.

I hope this edition inspires you to learn more about the proven songwriting approaches of the past so you can put that knowledge to work in your own songwriting.”

John guides you through the history of popular songwriting emphasizing the best practices from the past that inform the craft of songwriting today. Key lessons include The Traditional Folk Song, Ragtime & Delta Blues, Tin Pan Alley, Early 20th Century, Big Band and Swing, Early Rock & Roll, Evolution of the “Hook,” The Modern Era of Pop Production, and The Current State of Songwriting.

You’ll have TrueFire’s advanced learning tools at your fingertips to personalize your workspace and learn at your own pace.

The performances are tabbed, notated, and synced to the video with looping and slow-motion controls. Backing tracks, Guitar Pro files, printable tab and notation are also included.

Inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, John Oates’ exceptional talents as a musician, songwriter, and producer have and continue to make seminal contributions to our musical heritage.

Grab your guitar and notebook — let’s explore the past with John Oates!

Note: John Oates’ 3-course MasterCraft series is available for purchase as a bundle, which includes early access, bonus content, and big savings! Click here to learn more about the bundle.

P.S. Aspiring songwriters might also be interested in two other editions from John’s Masterclass series: The Art of Collaboration passes on best practices for co-writing; The Art of Accompaniment demonstrates the most important aspects of supporting other musicians and serving the song.

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