Truefire Eric Haugen’s Guitar Zen Next Level Rhythm Tutorial

Elevate Your Rhythm Chops with Pro Tactics
Throughout a guitarist’s learning journey, there are several critical milestones that call for an advancement in skills and understanding. One such significant milestone is the rhythm playing. At this stage, the guitarist typically has a firm foundation in chord structures and basic rhythmic patterns but it’s clear to their ear that it’s time to take those skills to the next level.

If this sounds familiar to you, Eric Haugen’s “Guitar Zen: Next Level Rhythm” is the path to follow. Eric bridges the gap between basic rhythm playing and a more expressive, creative and nuanced approach that “explores the space between rhythm and lead.” This Guitar Zen edition is the game changer that your rhythm chops have been hungry for.

”In this edition of Guitar Zen, we’ll explore the space between rhythm and lead. I’ll show you how to take your rhythm skills to the next level with just a little bit of music theory and a lot of pro tricks including inversions, pentatonics, double-stops, and more.

I’ll demonstrate everything, and explain why it makes sense both musically and emotionally. We’ll apply each technique over backing tracks and practice play-alongs so you get a feel for the technique in a musical context.”

Eric organized the curriculum into two sections. In the first section, Eric steps you through the basic melodic and harmonic devices that you’ll be building upon: CAGED E Major Shapes, CAGED E Major Intervals, CAGED D Minor Shapes, CAGED D Minor Intervals, The Pentatonic Major Shapes, and Three “Everyday” Grooves. If you want to go deeper on any of these devices and shapes, check out Eric’s Guitar Zen series here:

In the transformative second section, Eric explains and demonstrates 11 concepts that will serve as your stepping stones to the next level: Shrink the Shapes, Adorn the Groove, Keep Trying New Chords, Embracing the Change, The Two to Three Concept, The Four to Five Concept, Flat Threes and Fives Concept, Using Sixths & Doublestops Concept, Leaving Space, Hiding in the Layers and How More Chords Equals Less Options.

Working with the performance studies and backing tracks that Eric composed for the course, you’ll apply and practice every concept together with Eric. Once you have a grip on the studies, you’ll create your own “next level rhythm” parts over the tracks.

You’ll have TrueFire’s interactive learning tools at your fingertips to customize your workspace and learn at your own pace.

The demonstrations and performances are tabbed, notated, and synced to the video lessons with controls for looping, slow motion, fretboard animation, and other tools designed to accelerate your progress.

You’ll also get tab and standard notation PDF files to print out, downloadable Guitar Pro files, and backing tracks to practice and record with.

Grab your guitar, and let’s dig in with Eric Haugen!

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